不忘初心、砥砺前行∣威麦卫浴科技公司12周年庆 -九游app官网下载发表时间:2018-08-20 11:40 不忘初心,砥砺前行。2018年8月18日,是威麦卫浴科技有限公司成立十二周年。 don't forget your heart, go ahead. august 18, 2018, is the 12th anniversary of vama bathroom sanitary technology co., ltd. 威麦卫浴科技有限公司历经12的成长发展,不忘初心砥砺前行,已发展成为以研发设计、生产制造、销售服务于一体现代创新型企业。并成为世界500强、全球领先的家居建材渠道商home depot在北美市高端产品的供应商。 vama bathroom sanitary ware co., ltd. has experienced the growth and development of 12, and has not forgotten its initial development. it has developed into a modern and innovative enterprise integrating r&d, manufacturing, sales and service. and become the world's top 500, the world's leading home building materials channel home depot in north america's high-end products suppliers. 我们在工作中倡导以身作则、勇于担当、诚信敬业。在肩负责任、想方设法达成目标,在过程中不断升华工作能力,不断超越自我。 in our work, we advocate leading by example, courage, integrity and dedication. responsible in the shoulders, trying to achieve the goal, constantly sublimating the ability to work in the process, and constantly surpassing self. 灵感的源泉来自对生活艺术的深刻感悟 deep insight into the art of living 百年匠心,百年威麦—centuries-old heart 威麦三期20000平方全自动化生产车间 automated production workshop 工业制造现在已迎来第4次工业革命,工业4.0时代,从工业3.0的半自动与自动化生了产转变为工业4.0的全自动化、智能化生产威麦卫浴紧跟时代步伐建设全新的全自动化、智能化生产车间20000平方,威麦将进入生产制造4.0时代。 创新设计 卓越品质—innovative design 威麦人凭籍卓越的创新精神,致力创造臻于完美、充满感官享受的生活卫浴空间。 based on the excellent innovative spirit, vama people are committed to creating a living and sanitar space that is perfect for the senses. 开心工作与生活—happy work and life 工作即修行。把工作、生活、学习理解成一个发现乐趣创新、创造意义,帮助他人,完善自我的神圣过程。 work is practice. understanding work, life, and learning as a sacred process of discovering fun, innovating, creating meaning, helping others, and perfecting oneself. 新跨越新启航砥砺前行—new leap and new sailing 面对全球经济一体化的浪潮,机遇与挑战并存,每一个威麦人已经做足准备,继续发扬“团结、担当、诚信、感恩”九游app官网下载的文化,加强学习、提升自我,为打造行业一流品牌目标而奋力拼搏。 匠心十二载,威麦不忘初心,砥砺前行。威麦卫浴科技有限公司使命在肩,芳华璀璨。以12年为奠基,威麦卫浴上下一心团结一致,共启未来! ingenuity for twelve years, vama bathroom did not forget the initial heart, and walked forward. vama bathroom sanitarytechnology co., ltd. has a mission in the shoulders, fanghuayu. with 12 years as the foundation, vama sanitary will unite and unite in the future! |
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